Tuesday, March 1, 2022

TMI Tuesday: March 1, 2022

Life, it is what it is. And what it is, is TMI Tuesday!

1. Covid dating behavior:

– Are you choosier?

Hah! I was picky before Covid. I got even pickier since Covid. 

– Are you less choosey?

I'm slowly starting to branch out and be less picky due to constantly being ghosted by people.

– Are you more frank and upfront about what you want?

I've always been very upfront about what I want. I think that's why people have said that I'm intimidating. I don't mean to be though. 

2. What is stable in your life? Answer Yes or No as in “yes, this is stable” or “no this is not stable”. Elaborate if you wish.

– Job

If by job, you mean my 20 different volunteer roles that I can't say no to, then yes. The jobs themselves are stable but myself? Nah, not really. I'm losing my mind.

– Finances

Yes, we are in a good place financially.

– Romantic relationship

Hmm. Not really.

– Economy of your country


– Mental health

Hahahaha. Definitely not. My anxiety is mostly controlled now but my depression is consuming me.

– Physical health

It's not great since I had Covid but some things have gotten better in the last 6 months with my long covid symptoms. I'm currently trying to lose weight with a friend, so we will see how that goes. Hopefully, it makes things better.

3. Have you lived in a different country than the one you were born? Did you have to learn the language?

I have never been out of the United States, unfortunately. I'd love to move to a different country though. It's on my list of things to do.

4. Can you speak any other languages?

I used to speak a bit of French but once I stopped using it, I lost it. I can still sing the alphabet though!

5. How do you manage your fears?

With drugs. I take anxiety meds every day to try to deal with my fears. Sometimes they work well and sometimes not so much.

Bonus: What would you pick to add to your coffee, Baileys, Amaretto, or Whisky/Whiskey?

How about Kahlúa?

1 comment:

  1. Coffee flavored liquor the coffee. Pure coffee enjoyment
