Tuesday, March 29, 2022

TMI Tuesday: March 29, 2022

 Upgrade your happiness– play TMI Tuesday, a simple pleasure in life.


1. Tell us your top two simple pleasures.

Hmm. Probably masturbation and 90s music. Could be at the same time but not necessarily.

2. You are being offered a day of pleasure but you must choose one of the following to do. Which would you choose?

a. Sex
b. Watching big sports match/game
c. Fun times with good friends

This is kind of a tough one because I am so desperate for a fun time with good friends. I still think the sex wins out though.

3. The sun shining through your window in the morning–annoyance or pleasure?

Major annoyance. I have black-out curtains on my window to keep the sun out. It's like a crypt in my room. Sunlight is a migraine trigger for me, so I try to block it out as much as possible.

Edit: Now that I am reading Husband's response to this, I am feeling bad about it. 

4. If you uttered the words “pleasure me” to your lover, what would you want to happen?

Hands all over my body, then sliding into my panties. Fingers slipping between my labia and rubbing my clitoris. A couple fingers finding their way inside me. All of these things together until you make me cum.

5. Tell us one thing you were most grateful for last week?

Husband was on vacation all week and we got to spend some time together. 

Bonus: What is the last thing you crossed off your bucket list?

The last thing I crossed off my bucket list was getting a piercing I had been wanting for the last ten years. I finally decided to just do it on Saturday afternoon.

Special bonus question–one of life’s mysteries: Are fig newtons cookies or bars? 

Neither. They are actually pastries.


1. Tell us your top two simple pleasures.

Two of the simplest pleasures for me are reading and coffee. Reading has ALWAYS been a simple pleasure for me for as long as I can remember, either reading to myself or being read to. Coffee sort of slowly happened, starting in my early twenties and mostly snowballing since then.

2. You are being offered a day of pleasure but you must choose one of the following to do. Which would you choose?

a. Sex
b. Watching big sports match/game
c. Fun times with good friends

I have never been the best at making my desires known, but somehow doing it through written word makes it easier. I'm going to choose a day of pleasure sex. 

3. The sun shining through your window in the morning–annoyance or pleasure?

I think I actually enjoy the sun shining in through the window in the morning. I feel like it makes waking up easier and less of a difficult thing. Besides if I'm still tired and wanting more sleep I can always cover up or close curtains.

4. If you uttered the words “pleasure me” to your lover, what would you want to happen?

This is seriously short-circuiting my brain. My brain is going in so many directions all at once. Flashes of hands and skin touching my body. Glimpses of warm and wet teasing me. Velvety tight places slipping over me. Yes please, I'll take it all.

5. Tell us one thing you were most grateful for last week?

Spending some quality time with Wife. It was sorely needed and I very much enjoyed being there with her.

Bonus: What is the last thing you crossed off your bucket list?

Signing up for more in-depth Scouting leadership opportunities.

Special bonus question–one of life’s mysteries: Are fig newtons cookies or bars?

Bars; either cookie bars or cake bars, wholely delicious.


  1. Ash:

    1. that sounds kind of nice

    4. hot hot HOT!

    5. that's sweet and nice

    Ash! Don't complicate things. Pastry...phfft!


    1. cool

    4. :) I hope you get it all

  2. Yay, masturbation is my top simple pleasure, too! And I can't believe I didn't put "fingering" in part of what I want my lover to do to me... hmm.
