Tuesday, July 23, 2024

TMI Tuesday: July 23, 2024

Happy Titty Tuesday

It's been a while. Things in my life haven't been great but I'm working through them as best as I can. I figured I'd try to get back into writing here and the easiest way to do that was with a TMI Tuesday post.

Mia will be joining me for today's questions. A big thank you to her because she wasn't feeling up to doing it but she pushed through and made it happen for me. 


1. From erotica to sex blogs, everyone seems to be having intense orgasms. Do you feel like you are experiencing the same intense orgasmic waves everyone talks about?

Right now? Not at all. I'm in a very deep depression and it has robbed my life of all sexual joy. But usually, yes. I have been told that I'm a very orgasmic person. I can cum from both penetration & clitoral stimulation and my orgasms are very powerful. Hopefully I get back to that point soon.

2. At the beginning of our sexual lives, we are often let down because it feels like nothing in comparison to what we see in films and magazines. Sexual pleasure is something you learn more about as you get older. How have you learned to cultivate the pleasure that you feel?

My first orgasm was a complete surprise, so I didn't really have an idea of what sexual pleasure was like before that. I was just masturbating because it felt good and then I felt the wave of pleasure through my body. I had no idea what it was. I didn't even know that women could orgasm. From there, I just kept touching myself and learning what I like. I've never been afraid to tell my partners that I'd like to try new things. It's all about experimenting and learning what feels good to you.

3. In the last 3 years, has your sexual pleasure:

a. waned

b. stayed the same

c. increased, enhanced, improved

I would say it's waned. It's kind of been a roller coaster ride. It's gotten better in the last six months, but it's definitely not as good as it was five years ago. I think there's just too much emotional baggage that needs to be dealt with. It's caused me to be more timid, insecure, and not let loose as much as I used to.

4. If you are feeling much more sexual pleasure than your lover do you feel the need to make up the deficit or just live in the moment and enjoy what has been given to you?

I will definitely feel the need to make up for the deficit but only if my partner is up for that.

5. How important is it to you for you and your lover to have simultaneous orgasms?

a. not important – never thought about it

b. somewhat important – I think it would be nice to explode at the same time

c. important – that is what I ‘work’ for, cumming at the same time makes everything more intense–my orgasm, my feelings, the entire experience.

Somewhere between B and C. I absolutely love cumming at the same time my partner does but it's okay if that doesn't happen. I do tend to work for that when I am having sex with a man though. And anytime it happens with Mia, it blows my mind. It's so intense but it's also harder to do with a woman.

Bonus: Do you think that having an orgasm is the same as sexual pleasure? Why or why not?

No. Orgasms should not always be the goal because sometimes they just don't happen for lots of reasons and that's okay. There is so much sexual pleasure that takes place when being intimate with your partner. It's not just about the orgasm.


1. From erotica to sex blogs, everyone seems to be having intense orgasms. Do you feel like you are experiencing the same intense orgasmic waves everyone talks about?

I do experience intense orgasms. I joke and say that my soul leaves my body.

2. At the beginning of our sexual lives, we are often let down because it feels like nothing in comparison to what we see in films and magazines. Sexual pleasure is something you learn more about as you get older. How have you learned to cultivate the pleasure that you feel?

Just by keeping an open mind and allowing myself to try new things. That's how I've learned what I like.

3. In the last 3 years, has your sexual pleasure:

a. waned

b. stayed the same

c. increased, enhanced, improved

I'd say C. Especially since a certain beautiful girl came into my life. Her name rhymes with splash, just like the way she... Nevermind. 

4. If you are feeling much more sexual pleasure than your lover do you feel the need to make up the deficit or just live in the moment and enjoy what has been given to you?

I would feel the need to make up for it. I always feel the need to prioritize my partner's pleasure and I would feel bad if it felt better for me than my partner.

5. How important is it to you for you and your lover to have simultaneous orgasms?

a. not important – never thought about it

b. somewhat important – I think it would be nice to explode at the same time

c. important – that is what I ‘work’ for, cumming at the same time makes everything more intense–my orgasm, my feelings, the entire experience.

I'd have to say B. It doesn't happen always but when it does it's the most wonderful feeling ever. Hearing our moans and breathing get harder, looking into each others eyes and getting lost in each other. The whole world fades away in that moment.

Bonus: Do you think that having an orgasm is the same as sexual pleasure? Why or why not?

I mean, you experience sexual pleasure from an orgasm, sure but it's not quite the same to me. Sexual pleasure can be experienced in so many different ways, not necessarily by just climaxing. Could be as simple as a soft caress and a kiss.

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Friday, June 7, 2024

Steaming Hot Sex with Mia

Mia and I went to an age play meetup on Wednesday night. She has been so accepting of my Little side, which I was honestly scared to show her. She fell right into the roll of caretaker without any prompting at all. She is always taking care of me in little ways that mean so much and getting things for me that help me to express my Little side. I have been opening up little bits at a time and letting her in. I've let her in on this more than anyone else. It's been an emotional journey but so exciting as well.

After the event, we came back to Mia's place. We cuddled in our bed together and talked about random things for a while. Then, things got serious and we started making out. Soft at first, then more passionately. 

Mia started kissing my chest and then sucking and biting my cleavage. I moaned as I felt her mouth on my skin. I started running my hand over her thigh and down her leg. Her skin felt so soft and it turned me on.

We made out some more. Our tongues swirling around, tasting each other. I bit her lip a bit and it really got her excited. She moaned and I pulled her in closer to me.

Suddenly, Mia reached down and started rubbing my vulva on top of my panties. They were already wet from my excitement. She pulled them aside and started rubbing my clit. My breath caught in my throat as I felt her fingers gliding across my wetness. I looked into her eyes and she started rubbing faster. Soon, I was cumming on her fingers, soaking my panties.

I was trying to catch my breath when Mia said, "Get up." It took me a second to really hear her through the fog of the intense orgasm she just gave me. So, she repeated herself. "Get up." I stood up next to her. She was sitting on the edge of the bed. She said, "Take off your dress." I did as I was told. 

Mia grabbed my hips from behind and pulled me close to her. She started kissing and biting my back and ass, leaving small bruises behind. She wrapped her hands around me and grabbed my breasts. I took my bra off so I could feel her hands on my breasts. She massaged them while she continued to lick, kiss, and nibble my backside. I put my hands on top of hers and gently caressed them.

She told me to turn around, so I did. She put her face between my tits and squeezed them. She started sucking on my nipples as I held her hair out of her face. She was very into it and I felt like I was getting drunk on her energy. 

Mia stood up, took off her dress, and pushed me against the wall. She started making out with me again. Then, she moved down to my neck. Kissing, licking, nibbling. I reached my hands behind her and removed her bra. Then, she mashed her tits into mine and we both moaned.

We kissed some more, our hands exploring each other's bodies. Then, suddenly, she forcefully pulled my panties down. She grabbed my right hand and pinned it above my head. She pushed me against the wall with her body and then shoved the fingers of her other hand into my pussy. She fucked my cunt hard and I moaned loudly. I couldn't hold back. As I orgasmed, I squirted all over. It hit the hard wood floor, making a splashing sound. That was the first time I ever heard it like that and it was so exciting.

Mia grabbed the strap-on and ordered me to bend over. I bent over the bed and she shoved her cock deep inside me. She fucked me hard, holding on to my hips as she thrusted. I moaned as I grasped the bed sheet in my hands.

She told me to turn around and then pushed me onto the bed. She knelt in front of me, threw my legs up on her shoulders, and shoved her cock inside me once more. She fucked me even harder this time. I started cumming almost immediately. 

She laid her body on top of mine and I wrapped my legs around her waist. She started fucking me again. I dug my nails into her back as she made me cum, squirting all over the bed. 

At this point, she slowed a bit, softer this time. I felt her long strokes, hitting deep inside me. I tried to hold back but I couldn't. I orgasmed once again, soaking the bed even more.

Mia took off the strap, tore her panties off, and then straddled my leg. She said, "I'm sorry, my pussy is so wet." I moaned, "Fuck, yes!" She started grinding her pussy on my thigh. I felt her wetness gliding over my thigh and it was just so fucking hot. I grabbed her hips and pulled her toward me. She started to move faster, rubbing her clit against my thigh. I heard her breathing get harder and ragged. I moaned, "Fuck! Yes, baby!" She started to cum, which made me cum too. My pussy wasn't even being touched at the time but it was so fucking hot, it pushed me over the edge. 

She got up and grabbed a vibrator. Then, she got in position to scissor me with the vibrator between our clits. After we got it in the right place, she started grinding on my pussy. Fuck, it felt good. I loved feeling her pussy on mine. I looked at her face as she rode on top of me. It looked intense and full of pleasure. It sent me over the edge and I moaned, "I'm gonna cum!" Then, we both came together again. I squirted on her pussy and it turned me on so much. 

She started kissing me and I thought she was done at this point. I was wrong. She threw the vibrator aside and straddled my thigh again. She started grinding her pussy on my leg as she rubbed my clit with her fingers. I was so wet that her fingers glided across my clit very easily. Fuck, it was so sensitive. As soon as she started to cum, I came again with her.

She collapsed on the bed next to me, rightfully exhausted. I started to kiss her breasts. I licked around the outside, teasing her. Then, I made my way to her nipple. I sucked on it, massaging it with my tongue. Then, I made my way to the other breast and did the same. I kissed my way up her chest and to her neck. Then, I kissed, sucked, and bit her. She tried biting me back. She got a couple in before I pushed her away. It was my turn to please her. 

I pulled her body in close to mine, then I parted her pussy lips and started to rub her clit. She was so fucking wet. I held her close as I made her cum a couple times. Then, she made me stop. She had finally had enough.

We held each other and cuddled for a while, recovering from our multiple orgasms. It was a very hot night and I can't wait to do it again.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sinful Sunday: Mirrors

The Sinful Sunday June prompt is "mirrors." This photo of Husband and I sinning was captured today in a bathroom mirror at a friend's house.

Sometimes, you're house sitting for a friend while they are on vacation and the urge just hits you. So, you end up having a quickie in the bathroom. Or maybe in other rooms of the house, too. 

Also, I was very brave and didn't crop my belly out of this photo, so please be kind. It's taking a lot of strength to post this as is. And that bruise on my belly was from a Mia bite. Mmmm.

Kiss the lips below to see who else is sinning.

Sinful Sunday

Friday, May 31, 2024

It's Been a While

Some of the marks Aidan left on me

I had a date with Aidan last week. It had been a while since we last had sex. Things just kept not working out for us but I was determined to get that cock this time. 

When I got to his house, we cuddled on the couch for a bit. I had a rough day and he wanted to give me some snuggles to make it better. After a while, his hand found its way down the top of my dress and in my bra. I let out a little moan as he massaged my breast. Then, he started kissing my neck softly, which soon progressed to biting. 

He climbed on top of me, straddling my lap. He kissed my chest all over and then bit my cleavage. I grabbed his ass and moaned. He then went back to kissing and biting my neck. I was digging my nails into his back and moaning. He stopped and asked, "Do you want me?" I said yes, so he got up, grabbed my hand, and led me to the bedroom.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind and started kissing and biting the back of my neck. I was wearing a sundress covered in spiderwebs. He said, "I really like this dress on you. It accentuates your figure very nicely." I blushed and said, "Thank you." Then, he took the dress off of me and threw it aside. He turned me around and started kissing my lips. Then, he moved down to my chest and started biting my breasts again. 

He walked me over to the bed, turned me around, and bent me over. He noticed that my panties also had spiderwebs on them. Then, he made a comment about liking that they match my dress. I started to say thank you but then he grabbed my hips and pressed his hard cock onto my ass, so it came out as more of a moan. I could feel how turned on he was and it made my pussy get very wet. 

He took off my panties and tossed them aside. Then, he flipped me around and started kissing me. He pushed me down on the bed and sat on top of me. He started running his fingernails down my tummy and sides. I squirmed in pleasure and moaned. He said, "I just want to hold you down on the bed and fuck you." I smiled and let out a little moan. He asked, "Would you like that?" I said, "Yes." 

He took his belt off, folded it in half, and then smacked my nipple with it. I was surprised but actually really turned on by it. Then he said, "I guess I'm a bit overdressed." He got off of me and removed his clothes, tossing them aside with mine.

He got on the bed next to me and started to rub my clit. Then, he tried to put his fingers inside me but was struggling. He said, "Damn, you're really tight today." I said, "I'm sorry." He laughed a little and said, "I wasn't complaining." He fucked me with his fingers a bit and then started to rub my clit again. I grabbed my tits as he continued rubbing my clit and soon I was cumming all over the bed. He said, "That's it. Good girl. I'm going to take you now"

He flipped me over onto my tummy. Then he scooted my legs up so that I was on my knees but the other half of me was lying down on the bed. He shoved his cock inside my pussy and let out a deep moan that sounded very much like a growl. I could tell it felt really good for him and that made me even more wet. 

He grabbed my braids and pulled my hair as he fucked me. Then, he pushed my head down into the bed. He was fucking me so hard I couldn't help but moan out in pleasure. I started to cum and he bit my back hard. My body convulsed under his as I orgasmed. He said, "Wow, you came really hard there." All I could do was moan because words were not forming in my mouth.

He laid his body on top of mine and pushed me into the bed as much as he could and kept fucking me. Harder and harder. I came over and over again on his cock, making such a mess. He told me I was a good girl for cumming for him and I came again. 

He pulled my ass up higher and shoved his huge cock in as deep as it would go. He was hitting my cervix, which was painful. So, I tried to pull away. He grabbed my hips hard and said, "Don't think you can pull away from me, you little slut." He started pounding my pussy as hard as he could. I cried out. Was it in pleasure or pain? Probably both. 

After a while, he asked, "Do you want my cum?" I moaned, "Yes! Please! I want it so badly." Then, he came really hard inside me. We both collapsed on the bed next to each other. I was a pile of goo at that point. 

We passed out and took a quick little nap. Then, we went to the living room to watch a show together. We cuddled on the couch for a few hours, just relaxing in each other's arms.

Eventually, my hands started to wander. I was touching his hips and sides under his shirt. Caressing his chest and tummy. Running my hands up and down his thighs. Then, I got up to go to the bathroom. When I returned, I came up behind him and started kissing and breathing on his neck. 

I sat down next to him and continued to touch him, hoping he would touch me too. Then he asked, "What do you want?" I answered, "You." Then, he grabbed me and started biting my neck. I moaned, "Yesss." He asked, "Do you want to take this to the bedroom?" I replied, "Yes, please."

We rushed to the bedroom and quickly removed our clothes. At this point, it was dark outside, so he asked if I wanted the lights on or off. I said, "We always fuck in the light, so let's do it in the dark this time." Then, I jumped on the bed. 

He sat on my tummy and put his hard cock between my tits. I squeezed my tits around his cock as he fucked them. He asked, "Do you like that?" I answered, "Yes. I like that it turns you on." Then he said, "It does turn me on. What do you like?" I said, "I like feeling your hands touch my body." Then, he grabbed my tits and fucked them harder.

He got up, sat on his knees next to me, and started to rub my clit. I grabbed his cock and stroked it at the same time. It didn't take long before I was cumming and I am pretty sure I squeezed his cock pretty hard when it happened. 

He jumped on top of me and asked, "Do you want me inside you?" I said, "Fuck, yes." He slipped his cock inside my very wet cunt and started to fuck me slowly. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him close to me. I wanted to get lost inside him. 

As he continued to fuck me, I said, "Fuck, you feel so good inside me." He replied, "You feel amazing." He started to fuck me a little harder and I dug my nails into his back. I moaned, "You're gonna make me cum." Which caused him to start fucking me even harder. My pussy tightened as I came around his cock and I squirted all over him. 

He got up on his knees and kept fucking me. I moaned, "I love your cock." He moaned and fucked me even harder. I asked, "Do you like this pussy?" He answered, "Fuck, yes. I love feeling it wrapped around my cock." Hearing him say that made me cum again. 

He flipped me over and started to fuck me from behind. He grabbed my hips and pounded me hard. He moaned, "You feel so good." I started to rock my hips, fucking him from underneath. He enjoyed it for a while and then asked if I wanted his cum. I said, "Yes, I want you to fill me up." 

I continued rocking my hips and fucking his cock from underneath. Then, he said, "Just stay still and take it like a good little slut." So, I did as I was told. He grabbed my hips and fucked me as hard as he could. I am pretty sure I came at least three times at this point before he finally he filled me with his cum. Then, we were both exhausted but feeling so good.

I needed that so very badly. I needed him. And he did not disappoint, as usual.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

TMI Tuesday: May 14, 2024

Happy Titty Tuesday

It’s time for TMI Tuesday: Masturbation Month Edition!

Mia is joining me once again for today's questions.


1. My favorite place to masturbate is ________ ?

In the shower with a detachable shower head.

2. Have you ever masturbated in public? What were the circumstances?

Yes. I've masturbated on a bus, on a plane, in a bar, and at parties. Also, lots of public restrooms but I don't think that counts. Sometimes I just get really horny or want a thrill. 

3. Do you like mutual masturbation? Why?

Yes! I love it. I think it's incredibly sexy and brings you a lot closer to your partner. I did a Sinful Sunday post on this a couple years ago.

4. When was the last time you masturbated?

Hmm. I think it was last week. I masturbated in my bed with my purple vibrator.

5. Have you ever masturbated on camera?

Yes, I've made lots of videos and I enjoy doing that. Though, doing it during a video chat always makes me really nervous so I have a hard time cumming.

6. Do you like to watch people masturbate?

Yesss! It's one of my favorite things. 

Bonus: Have you filmed yourself masturbating? Care to share that film via a link?

I have filmed that lots of times. Here's the link.


1. My favorite place to masturbate is ________ ?

My favorite places to masturbate are the bed and the bathtub while taking a bath.

2. Have you ever masturbated in public? What were the circumstances?

No, I have not.

3. Do you like mutual masturbation? Why?

Yes. It's super intimate, voyeuristic and hot AF to watch and hear your partner cum. It is also a good way to learn how your partner likes to be pleasured.

4. When was the last time you masturbated?

Today. 😁

5. Have you ever masturbated on camera?

Yes, I have sent videos of myself masturbating to partners in the past. 🙈

6. Do you like to watch people masturbate?


Bonus: Have you filmed yourself masturbating? Care to share that film via a link?

I have filmed it, yes. I do not currently have said video.

Friday, May 10, 2024

A New Metamour

Lots of things on my mind

I usually write about the sexy part of my life but today, I'm going to talk about some hard shit. Polyamory is amazing but it's also very hard sometimes. It takes a lot of work and a lot of that is internal work on yourself.

For the past 10 years, Husband has been mostly monogamous. He's had threesomes and such with me but he wasn't interested in dating other people. I struggled with that a bit. I felt guilty for being polyamorous and needing to have relationships and sex with other people. But he was always very supportive of my needs, even when they made him feel jealous and insecure.

A few months ago, Husband told me that he was having thoughts about wanting a relationship with another woman. At first, I was a bit shocked because he was always so sure that he didn't want that. My second reaction was nervousness because I wasn't sure how that would make me feel. It had been a long time since I had seen him with someone else and he had never dated another woman before. But then my brain finally settled on feeling excitement for him. I have always wanted him to be fulfilled and happy. So, I encouraged him to explore that. It took a few months, but he finally found someone that he was interested in.

Husband has been talking to a woman for a couple months. Initially, I very much encouraged him to go out with her. I gave him dating advice and helped calm his nerves before going out with her. I looked forward to hearing all about his dates when he came home and I was so happy for him. Then, something suddenly changed for me.

For the past few years, our relationship has been struggling. Husband pulled away from me and stopped communicating. Our sex life became almost non-existent. There were things that I needed from him that I wasn't getting. Things got really bad for a while but we've been working on our relationship throughout the last year and it's improved a lot. There is still much work to do though.

When I saw him giving those things that I needed to this woman he was talking to, I started feeling jealous. Then, I started comparing myself to this girl as well because I was already in a dark place. Why didn't I deserve those things? Why hasn't he been giving them to me? Does he like her better than me? So many negative thoughts that I wasn't used to. 

Jealousy is a rare emotion for me. I'm not a jealous person. In fact, I only feel jealous if I'm being treated unfairly or not getting something that I need. This was really hard for me to deal with because I have very little experience with feeling jealousy. I have been dealing with it as best as I can but some days are really hard.

On Wednesday, Husband told me that things became official between them. She is now his girlfriend. On one hand, I am so happy for him. But on the other hand, I still have some emotions to work through. The thing about jealousy is that it's completely normal but it's up to you to work it out for yourself. So, that is what I'm trying to do.

Anyway, to sum all of this up, I now have a new metamour and I have complicated and conflicting emotions about it. I think things will eventually work out and I'll feel better about everything but the anxiety I'm feeling right now is very overwhelming some days. 

I still think polyamory is absolutely worth it. I could never be in a monogamous relationship again for the rest of my life. I tried that already and it just didn't work out. It's not for me. Polyamory sure does take a lot more work than monogamy though. I'm going to continue working on myself and I'm excited for what the future has in store for Husband. I hope this new relationship brings him a lot of happiness.

Want to see more boobs? Click the flower below.

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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

TMI Tuesday: May 7, 2024

Happy Titty Tuesday

It’s time for TMI Tuesday! Sex, sex, and more sex. 


1. Have you ever considered yourself completely sexually satisfied?

I don't think I've ever been completely sexually satisfied. That's not due to my partners' lack of pleasing me. I just always want more. I think it's all part of being a nympho. It's never enough.

2. What was the last sexy photo you took?

The Sinful Sunday photo from a couple days ago.

3. When was the last sexy photo you took AND sexted? What was it of and to whom was it sent?

Umm. Honestly, I don't think I have taken any sexy photos since last Tuesday. I posted my titties on my Private Snapchat story and also sent it to my partners. It's been a rough week and I haven't felt sexy at all.

4. How is your sex-life?

a. Like a wet blanket

b. Like a warm cozy comforter

c. Like an electric blanket getting you all heated up

d. None of the above, I sleep without covers

A little bit A, because I'm always leaving a wet puddle but not in the sense of not being pleasurable. My actual answer is C. My partners are really great at pleasing me. They get me all heated up for sure.

5. What’s your idea of good foreplay?

I have a complicated relationship with foreplay. Sometimes I love the idea of taking your time to explore your lover's body. Making them yearn for more before you please them. And other times, I just want to hurry up and get to the fucking and orgasms. I might not be the best person to ask about foreplay. But generally, I think good foreplay is doing anything that gets your partner warmed up and turned on. That will be different for every person, I think.

Bonus: Can you have a great, long-lasting sex life with the same partner? How?

I've been having sex with Husband for 22 years and I still enjoy it very much. I think the key is to listen to what your partner wants, always keep an open mind, and try to keep things fresh. Don't keep doing the same shit and make things go stale. It's also very important to be enthusiastic. Don't treat sex like a chore. Make sure your partner's pleasure is important to you and they should do the same thing for you.


1. Have you ever considered yourself completely sexually satisfied?

I do usually consider myself sexually satisfied. It's never a permanent satisfaction because I feel like it resets daily. When I don't have sex for a while it passes on and builds until the next time I end up having sex. It may not make a whole lot of sense to anyone else, but that's how it feels to me.

2. What was the last sexy photo you took?

I took shower pictures of my back and backside about a month ago.

3. When was the last sexy photo you took AND sexted? What was it of and to whom was it sent?

The pictures from the last question. I took them while showering after a weekend of camping and sent them to Wife because it had been a few days since I had seen her and I wanted to send her something nice.

4. How is your sex-life?

a. Like a wet blanket

b. Like a warm cozy comforter

c. Like an electric blanket getting you all heated up

d. None of the above, I sleep without covers

Back and forth between b. and c. but mostly c. lately. There has been an intensity and fire the last few months that I feel is due to reconnecting with Wife on many different levels.

5. What’s your idea of good foreplay?

Lots of touch and caressing with hands and fingers and lips. There are so many amazing sensations that I love to feel from different touches. Giving and receiving oral, I really enjoy giving oral and the act in itself gives me a lot of pleasure. 

Bonus: Can you have a great, long-lasting sex life with the same partner? How?

I think it all comes down to working at it like any relationship. I can't keep doing the same thing all the time, otherwise everything would become a routine. I also try to make sure I show just how much sex with Wife means to me, and while I haven't always been the best at this I am being a lot more vocal about it now. I do truly enjoy the hell out of sex with Wife. It can be completely sensual, completely physical, sometimes even just goofy and comical, or a combination of all of them and it makes me feel so good to still have this connection with Wife after years of being together.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sinful Sunday: Yellow

The Sinful Sunday prompt for May is Yellow. This idea was a collaboration between Husband, Mia, and myself. I think it came out perfectly. Who else wants a taste of this delicious banana?

Kiss the lips below to see who else is sinning.
Sinful Sunday

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

TMI Tuesday: April 30, 2024

Happy Titty Tuesday

It's time for TMI Tuesday, "Fashion Police" Edition. 

Today, my girlfriend Mia will be joining me in answering the questions.


1. What is the most revealing thing you have ever worn in public?

I think that would be lingerie that you can see through. I've been nude at parties in front of everyone but I don't know if that counts as "public."

2. Have you ever unwittingly shown more than you intended in public due to a wardrobe malfunction?

My breasts have fallen out of my swimsuit while swimming. This especially happens in the ocean. My dress often blows up in the breeze. I have also ripped my pants open in the booty area. 

3. Are you more likely to arrive at an event over or under dressed?

I feel like I'm always overdressed because I love wearing dresses. 

4. Tell us about a time when you have arrived at a venue and immediately wished you could leave because you were dressed completely inappropriately?

The only time I can think of is when I arrive somewhere that is really cold and I wasn't prepared for that. Especially when an event ends up being outdoors in colder weather when I thought it would be indoors. I hate coats, so I don't always have one with me. That drives Husband crazy.

5. What is the one thing that a lover/man/woman wears that you love with a passion?

Dresses and kilts are my favorite. I love seeing my partners in these two things. I am also a big fan of a pair of kick ass boots.

6. What is the one thing that a lover/man/woman wears that you hate with a passion?

Crocs. Camouflage print.

Bonus: You and your friend are going to a special event and you know that he/she has spent a lot of time and possibly money on their outfit and are very excited about what they have created. They refuse to show you their outfit until you are both ready to leave for the event and you find that they look awful. What do you do?

I mind my business and let them be happy. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean that they can't.


1. What is the most revealing thing you have ever worn in public?

A fishnet top without a bra to a clothing optional skate party. 

(you can read more about that night right here)

2. Have you ever unwittingly shown more than you intended in public due to a wardrobe malfunction?

Yes, my pants have ripped before but luckily at the time I was wearing a hoodie so I took it off and tied it around my waist and covered myself.

3. Are you more likely to arrive at an event over or under dressed?

I think I would likely be over dressed. I always have a lot of anxiety on what to wear to events but I rather be overdressed than underdressed.

4. Tell us about a time when you have arrived at a venue and immediately wished you could leave because you were dressed completely inappropriately?

I don’t think I’ve ever had this problem before.

5. What is the one thing that a lover/man/woman wears that you love with a passion?

I LOVE love when Ash wears peekaboo cleavage dresses with fishnets. She looks so fucking hot! I love how fishnets feel when I run my hands on her thighs. 🥵

6. What is the one thing that a lover/man/woman wears that you hate with a passion?

I hate when pants don’t fit right on a man and show a plumber’s crack. I can’t stand it and it’s embarrassing.

Bonus: You and your friend are going to a special event and you know that he/she has spent a lot of time and possibly money on their outfit and are very excited about what they have created. They refuse to show you their outfit until you are both ready to leave for the event and you find that they look awful. What do you do?

I’m never going to put down something a friend has worked so hard on. The most important thing is that it makes him/her happy but if he/she asks me if I like the outfit I’ll always be honest and find a gentle way to put it.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

TMI Tuesday: April 23, 2024

Happy Titty Tuesday

It's time for another round of TMI Tuesday!

Making Sacrifices and Resisting Temptation


1. What sexually could you never give up?

Cocks fucking my pussy. I always joke that I’d be a lesbian if it weren’t for those damn cocks. But honestly, it’s true. Men are often difficult and frustrating to deal with but those cocks though.  Mmmm. Dildos are just not the same.

2. What act would you like to do for 40 days and 40 nights?

Sensation play. I can’t get enough and I’m a big sensation slut.

3. What sexual sacrifice have you made? Why?

I have sacrificed receiving oral sex from Aidan. He doesn’t do that to his partners and even though I’d love for him to do it sometime, I’ve accepted that it’s not going to happen. I would be lying if I said it didn’t make me sad sometimes when I think about how much I choke on his cock every time we have sex and he’s never reciprocated. 

4. Have you ever been tied to a cross or anything else?

To a St. Andrew’s cross during a kink scene, yes. I’ve also been tied to beds. I prefer handcuffs when being restrained in those ways. They really dig into my wrists. Mmm.

5. What part of your body do you like worshiped?

My pussy. I love being told how much someone loves my pussy. It turns me on so much. My partners tell me how much they love the taste of it, how much they love how tight it is, how much they love it when I squirt on them. I will take all the praise and worship of this wet cunt between my legs. Give it all to me.

6. What can your partner do to you that makes you feel true bliss?

Play with my hair and give me scritches on the head. It makes me completely melt. And while it does turn me on, after long enough of that, I may fall asleep too. Fastest way to get me to relax and pass out.

Bonus: Tell us about a time you were tempted. Did you give in or resist?

I’ve been tempted so many times in my life and I’ve often deprived myself because I judge myself harshly. I’m a slut who cock blocks herself all the time. I need to stop doing that.


1. What sexually could you never give up?

I could never give up penetrative sex, or vaginal or anal sex. I have an extremely difficult time getting off from masturbation and an even harder time getting off from getting head (still hopeful). I think without some kind of penetrative sex I may hardly ever orgasm.

2. What act would you like to do for 40 days and 40 nights?

Having recently been to an all expenses paid resort, I could definitely do that for 40 days and 40 nights. I would love to be able to have that immense level of freedom to be with Wife and to enjoy all the things we could possibly choose to do. I may or may not enjoy the ocean/water as much as her, but I would enjoy that time spent there with her as well.

3. What sexual sacrifice have you made? Why?

I'm not certain that I will be answering this properly, or interpreting it properly, but this is my answer anyhow. I think I've sacrificed sex in general many many times over the years, in particular years with Wife. Let me explain why I am saying this. Over the years of being sexually active I have mostly been very timid and wait for someone else to make any sort of move; I have a very difficult time pushing through this regardless of how I know things to be. This has led to countless opportunities to enjoy sex with Wife in particular that I've sacrificed away due to being caught in my head and not expressing how I feel about Her and how much I want and need Her. She is amazing and sex with Her is mind blowingly awesome, yet somehow I've let many opportunities wasted and sacrificed on the way.

4. Have you ever been tied to a cross or anything else?

I have been tied to a bed mostly; I can't remember being tied to anything else. The first time was a very traumatic experience, and it really has never allowed me to enjoy the potential fun of doing it despite having very enjoyable partners being part of that experience.

5. What part of your body do you like worshiped?

I'll just come out and say it, my cock. I am very much a modest human being, to the point of annoyance sometimes. I have never measured myself because I have never wanted to compare my penis to others or to insert worry where ignorance works just fine. What really makes me feel extraordinary is that I know for a fact how Wife feels about my cock, because she tells me about it all the time. I never get tired of hearing her praise it, or hearing her talk about wanting it wherever she desires it. Do I feel like she specifically worships my cock and potentially has an altar and gives offerings upon it? No. Am I certain that this isn't the case? Also, no.

I want to add that I love to worship Wife’s pussy. I love the way it tastes, the way it smells, the way it looks, and the multitude of ways it feels. It is the most magical pussy.

6. What can your partner do to you that makes you feel true bliss?

I am very much a touch fiend, and there are very special places on my body that when Wife goes to town on touching me there I literally see stars. If ANYTHING sexual is also going on, my mind just walks out and leaves me a pile of goo.

Bonus: Tell us about a time you were tempted. Did you give in or resist?

I remember the first time I was pressured for sex. My very first girlfriend kept pushing and tempting and teasing. I resisted initially because that is what a good Catholic boy was supposed to do, you were supposed to wait until marriage to have sex with a partner. I struggled with a whole mess of things that year, and overall sex seemed like the lesser of all the evils in my head to rationalize. Little did I know at the time, but the whole seduction and corruption thing was part of a plan to bring me to heel for her. There were a whole lot of not great times in that era of my life.