Tuesday, July 6, 2021

TMI Tuesday: July 6, 2021

It’s International Kissing Day! Go plant one on someone, then play TMI Tuesday.

Making Waves

1. Are you happy with the number of people you have slept with?
I have had sex with 14 people. If you had asked me this 10 years ago, I would have thought that was a lot and judged myself harshly. Today, I think that number is pretty small and I'm not happy with it. I'd like to have sex with more people. I want to experience so many things sexually with many different people. I'm just too damn picky.

2. Tell us a random fact about yourself.
I really like to decorate cakes. I love coming up with a design, executing it, and then seeing the reactions of the people I made it for once I'm finished. It makes me feel really proud.

3. Would you say you have an excessive need for stimulation and are you prone to boredom?
I'm not sure that I am prone to boredom but I do try to keep myself busy all the time. I have C-PTSD and sitting still with no distractions makes it difficult to drown out the thoughts in my brain. 

4. Do you have a history of promiscuous sexual behavior or wish you had?
When I was a teenager, I was very promiscuous when it came to oral sex. In my twenties, I slowed down a lot. My thirties have been a little more active but not by much. I'm hoping for a lot more in my forties.

5. How do you cope with a sex drought?
a. masturbation
b. sex droughts don’t bother me
c. try not to think about sex
At first, I deal by masturbating and watching porn. Eventually, I try to not think about sex but that never works. Sex is always on my brain.

Bonus: If you were a wave in the ocean would you be rough or calm?
I would definitely be calm. I'm a very gentle person. I never like harming anything or anyone.

1. Are you happy with the number of people you have slept with?
This depends on the weather. Most of the time I don't even think about the quantity of people I have slept with. I believe for me it's mostly been about quality, which would be why I don't think about it often. When I do think about how many people I've slept with, for the previous reason, it doesn't hit me very hard either. There are times when I feel like I have missed opportunities to expand just experiences that I will not get back.

2. Tell us a random fact about yourself.
I'm not a big fan of water (as in being in it, pools, lakes, oceans). I had a traumatic experience when I was younger, coupled with a lack of water and swim training which made being in water give me a lot of anxiety. 

3. Would you say you have an excessive need for stimulation and are you prone to boredom?
I am not prone to boredom, but I feel like I do need a lot of stimulation. That being said, it isn't terribly difficulty for me to get that stimulation. I have an  overactive imagination, so stimulation happens often. I also read a lot, so yeah, stimulation.

4. Do you have a history of promiscuous sexual behavior or wish you had?
No to either one. I feel a little indifferent for this.

5. How do you cope with a sex drought?
a. masturbation
b. sex droughts don’t bother me
c. try not to think about sex
C. I try not to think about sex. My brain makes things weird and difficult for me a lot of the times, so not thinking about it keeps me from falling down into those dark and difficult places.

Bonus: If you were a wave in the ocean would you be rough or calm?
The more I think about it, the more I think I'd be a calm wave. I tend to wear people closest to me down  slowly over a long extended period of time. I think I don't rock the boat like a rough wave, but given the right conditions I could become rough.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sinful Sunday: K is for Kilt

The July prompt for Sinful Sunday is the letter K. For me, K is for kilt.

I don't think there is anything sexier a man can wear than a kilt. Especially when they wear it as it was intended. With nothing underneath. 

So, what's the only thing sexier than a man wearing a kilt? That man removing the kilt in such a way that makes my mouth water. Yessssssss...

Husband wears that kilt so well but after I get my fill of his sexiness in that kilt, it's so lovely when he takes it off.

Be sure to check out who else is sinning by kissing the lips below.
Sinful Sunday