Sunday, February 23, 2025

Sinful Sunday: Wank

Sometimes you’re getting ready to go out and find some mischief to get into but you need a quick wank first. 

Sinful Sunday          February Photo Fest 2025

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Snowshoot Throwback

Here’s a throwback to a few years ago when I did a very cold lingerie photoshoot in the snow. 

February Photo Fest 2025

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Monday, February 17, 2025

Monochrome Monday

Wearing boots makes me feel powerful. Wearing fishnets makes me feel sexy. When I feel powerful and sexy at the same time, I get very horny. 

February Photo Fest 2025

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sinful Sunday: Silly Willy

I got a glow in the dark condom at an event recently. Husband absolutely loves things that glow in the dark. So, I knew he would be excited about it. 

He was so giddy when slipping it on. I couldn't resist taking some photos of the silliness. 

It was so fun watching the glow in the dark cock disappear inside my pussy. I would definitely do it again. 

February Photo Fest 2025      Sinful Sunday

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Bath Time Entertainment

I wish someone was here to join me in this bath. It's so lonely. I might need to find something to do to entertain myself in here. Any ideas?

February Photo Fest 2025

Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentine's Love

Do you need some love today? It just so happens that I have a lot of love to give. Come get some. 

February Photo Fest 2025

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Throwback Horror

Here's a little throwback to October when my girlfriend was torturing me in the woods. You know I loved every moment of it because I'm a kinky bitch. 

February Photo Fest 2025

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

All That Cake

This is a photo of me and my girlfriend at the last Roller Tiddys event. What would you do with all that cake? 

February Photo Fest 2025

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

TMI Tuesday: February 11, 2025

It's time for TMI Tuesday: Preparing the Body Edition. 

1. Do you prefer your lover:

a) fresh from the bath and perfumed?

b) fresh from the bath without perfume?

c) clean but not right from the tub or shower?

d) slightly sweaty (or musky)?

Either B or C. I'm not a fan of perfume and cologne. And if you're exploring your partner's body with your mouth, added scents can make them taste icky. I don't need my partner fresh out of the bath but sometimes that is nice. As long as they are clean, I'm fine. 

2. Do you maintain your body for sex with respect to facial hair, body hair, pubic hair, fingernails or toenails?

I try my best to do this. I trim my pubic hair and shave my legs & armpits. I keep my fingernails cut short when I'm expecting to have sex with my girlfriend. And I try to always keep my toenails neatly trimmed. 

3. Do you maintain/prepare according to your lover’s preferences?

I do my best to accommodate. Though, I haven't shaved/waxed my pubes completely off in like 20 years. So, if my partner asked me to do that, I'm not sure what I would do. I might try it. 

4. Do you have body adornments such as piercings or tattoos for sexual reasons? Does your lover?

I don't have any tattoos and I don't think any of my piercings are sexual. My girlfriend used to have her nipples pierced, so I guess that's kind of sexual. She took them out though. 

5. Do you choose any cosmetics, lubes, condoms or other sexually relevant items according to how they taste? Do you not use them because of the taste?

I don't use condoms for oral sex because I can't stand the way they taste. 

6. Is there a taste or aroma that turns you on or that you can use to turn on your lover?

I think vanilla is a turn on for me. I'm not sure if my partners have any preferences. 

Bonus: Do you prepare a room for sex–mood music, candles, scent, cleaning it or anything? Tell us about it.

I used to do music but I found that a lot of people don't like that. They like to hear the sounds of sex instead. I have been known to light candles or turn on special mood lights in my room. 

February Photo Fest 2025

Monday, February 10, 2025

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sinful Sunday: Satanic

Sometimes you go to a party that's so awesome, that you end up dancing on a pole that's surrounded by a pentagram and covered in blood. To keep with the S theme for Sinful Sunday, I give you "Satanic." 

This photo was taken at a party I attended last month. After this, my legs and feet were covered in blood and I loved it more than I want to admit. This is what the floor looked like before all the blood got mopped up by bodies, mine included:

Sinful Sunday      February Photo Fest 2025

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Roller Tiddies

I've been attending a clothing optional event every few months for the last year. It's called Roller Tiddies. Husband mostly skates the whole time and I run around in lingerie showing off my ass and titties. It's a lot of fun. Here's a photo Husband and I had taken there in December. We had matching festive antlers on our head, which I thought was adorable.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Heartbreak and Fishnet Friday

I got my heart broken yesterday. I’ve been dating a guy for the last few months that I developed feelings for. He seemed like everything I’ve been looking for. Just perfect for me and I felt a deep soul connection with him. Too good to be true. I knew it was but I went for it anyway despite all my internal alarms going off telling me that I was going to get hurt. I didn’t listen and now I’m hating myself for it. 

To make matters worse, I got his message as soon as I left therapy, where I was dealing with some deep and intense childhood trauma. So, I was feeling very raw and emotional. And that heartbreak sunk deep into my soul.

I’ve been crying in bed for 24 hours and I can’t seem to find the strong independent woman inside myself. I don’t know why I allow people to get through my walls. They always hurt me. One day, maybe I’ll be enough. One day, maybe I won’t be too much. One day, maybe I'll get back what I give to others. That day is not today. 

Anyway, it’s fishnet Friday and I don’t have the emotional energy to take a new photo for you. So, here’s a throwback to April. 

February Photo Fest 2025

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Thunda Thighs

A friend got these socks for me a while back but today was the first day that I wore them. Happy hump day. 

February Photo Fest 2025

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

TMI Tuesday: February 4, 2025

It's time for TMI Tuesday: Happy Endings Edition.


1. What is the best way you like to be brought to orgasm?

I guess that answer depends on what kind of orgasm we are talking about. If we are talking about a clitoral orgasm, then I love anything to do with hands and fingers. Rubbing my clit with your fingers is definitely a good way to make me cum very hard. I can also have an orgasm from vaginal penetration. For that, my favorite thing is to be fucked very hard. That's sure to induce a fountain of pleasure.

2. What is the best way to make you orgasm quickly?

I'm not really sure how to answer that. I'm very orgasmic. If you're putting effort into what you're doing, I will cum over and over and over again pretty easily and quickly. So, I guess that's the answer. Be passionate and put effort into what you're doing. Make noises to show how much I'm turning you on or how much you are enjoying having sex with me. If you do that, it will be a very good time.

3. What is the typical or usual way that a lover chooses to bring you to orgasm?

I feel like my partners usually want to give me cunnilingus to make me orgasm. I'm not saying that I don't enjoy oral sex. I really do. It's just not a way that will get me off quickly. If you finger my pussy at the same time, it will go quicker but it will still take a while. And I definitely don't cum as hard from oral sex. 

4. After a night of sexy play, how do you like to end the evening?

I'll be honest, after sex I'm usually the one that is passing out. All those orgasms make me tired. My favorite thing to do after a night of sex is to cuddle and sleep close together even if it's just for a little nap. My other favorite thing is that Husband always gets a warm wet washcloth to clean me up after we have sex and that makes me feel very loved and cared for. Sometimes I'm already passed out by the time he comes back and he wakes me up. Haha!

5. Have you ever been given a “happy ending” from a professional (e.g., Tantric massage) or at an erotic massage parlor?

Nope. I've never experienced any of that.

Bonus: Do you like to give erotic “happy endings”? Tell us about your technique.

I'm assuming this means that I give someone an orgasm after I massage them? Usually, this is the other way around for me. But I would not be opposed to doing that if it's someone I had an intimate relationship with. I would prefer to give a blow job but I'd also be up for other ideas.


1. What is the best way you like to be brought to orgasm?

The way I best like to be brought to orgasm is to be ridden. There is something about having Wife on top of me grinding away all wet and slippery, me pounding up into Wife, bodies smacking together, her moaning and making wonderfully intimate noises that pull at me. Wife crying out her pleasure, her spilling warmth all over my body and me going and filling her with my hot wet mess.

2. What is the best way to make you orgasm quickly?

I believe the best way to get me to orgasm quickly is a little bit of foreplay, a lot of mental buildup and excitement about getting to dive into sex, and then just a smidge of being forced to wait a teenie bit longer before being allowed to slide into a wet pussy. From there going hard and fast, almost pulling all the way out with each stroke, and slamming home where hip hits hip.

3. What is the typical or usual way that a lover chooses to bring you to orgasm?

The typical way to bring me to orgasm is through sex, almost always one way or another actual penetrative sex is involved. Most of the time it is continuing penetration until orgasm, other times it is getting right to the point of orgasm and I finish with my hand. I have never finished by oral, no matter how much I have wished I could. I am still hopeful that one day this can happen.

4. After a night of sexy play, how do you like to end the evening?

After a night of sexy play, I will typically do a little cleanup, and grab a small sweet snack and a drink before rushing back to the bed to bathe in the warmth and scents of pleasure achieved. When I get the opportunity to lay down and fall asleep in a wet spot that I helped to make that is the absolute best and my favorite.

5. Have you ever been given a “happy ending” from a professional (e.g., Tantric massage) or at an erotic massage parlor?

I have only had one, maybe two, professional massages. None of which resulted in a happy ending. With the difficulty I have orgasming a "happy ending" for me would involve straight-up sex, and that is not something I am comfortable with. If this was with a partner I would definitely be all for a happy ending after a massage!

Bonus: Do you like to give erotic “happy endings”? Tell us about your technique.

I like to transition massages into potential happy endings when it is okay. Using my strength to tease out the little pleasure noises by working through the muscles and tension is highly intoxicating to me and I do my best to hold all of that in. I enjoy the switch of unlocking the physical tightness and going into a wet tightness.

February Photo Fest 2025

Monday, February 3, 2025


It's mammogram Monday for me. I got my first mammogram at age 30 due to a scare that ended up being nothing of concern. When I turned 40, I started getting one every year to make sure my breasts are not trying to kill me. It's uncomfortable and awkward but it's important self care. 

February Photo Fest 2025

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sinful Sunday: Suck

It's the first Sunday of the month, which means prompt weekend for Sinful Sunday. The prompt for February is the letter S. It just so happens that one of my very favorite things to do starts with the letter S.

Sinful Sunday      February Photo Fest 2025

Saturday, February 1, 2025


Saturdays are good days to relax and cuddle with someone special. I've been told I'm a good cuddler because I'm very soft. Come see for yourself. 

February Photo Fest 2025