Tuesday, September 22, 2020

TMI Tuesday: September 22, 2020

 Hello! Time for another edition of TMI Tuesday

Dates, Mates & Relationships


1. Which of these are you most guilty of in a relationship?
a. Jealousy
b. Not apologizing
c. Not keeping your word
d. Guilt trips

I guess the thing I'm most likely to do is a guilt trip. I'm not really a jealous person, I apologize too much, and I always keep my word.

2. Which of the following behaviors would annoy you most in a partner?
a. Fishing for compliments by verbalizing self-doubt
b. Passive-aggressive behavior
c. Usually forgets important dates (birthday, anniversary, etc.)
d. Making you feel guilty when spending time with friends

I can't deal with passive-aggressiveness. I need clear communication in a relationship. If you can't do that, I can't have a relationship with you.

3. Consider you are looking for a mate. Rank these traits in order of imporance, with 1 being most important and 7 being least important.
_2_ Kindness
_1_ Honesty
_6_ Ambitious
_4_ Confidence
_3_ Reliable
_7_ Assertive
_5_ Sense of Humor

4. Score! You exchanged numbers with a hottie. Now, you: (pick one)
a. Wait for a week, see if that person calls you first.
b. Call the next day, if not sooner.
c. Call and text incessantly. Let them know they've made an impression.
d. You'd never call. What if you get rejected?

b. I wouldn't call, but I'd definitely text the next day. I wouldn't text incessantly though. 

5. How did you handle your last relationship break up?
a. You've never been in a relationship before. The timing has never been right.
b. You went out and got drunk every night, until you forgot everything.
c. You went out on a massive amount of dates, even with people you knew you had no interest.
d. You felt bad and cried, but bounced back in a couple of days.

Well, D is the closest thing to what I did. When Sasha broke up with me, I felt bad and cried for a few weeks, not days.

Bonus: Would you take a holiday all by yourself, at the "spur of the moment?" Why or why not? Where would you go?
Definitely. If I could do it, I would. I love traveling and I'd jump at the chance to do it no matter how spur of the moment it was. I would go anywhere with an ocean nearby. 


1. Which of these are you most guilty of in a relationship?

a. Jealousy
b. Not apologizing
c. Not keeping your word
d. Guilt trips

a. Jealousy for me has been one of the hardest things for me to get a grip on. I feel like, after many years of struggle, I finally have a decent understanding of myself enough to work through my jealousy properly.

2. Which of the following behaviors would annoy you most in a partner?
a. Fishing for compliments by verbalizing self-doubt
b. Passive-aggressive behavior
c. Usually forgets important dates (birthday, anniversary, etc.)
d. Making you feel guilty when spending time with friends

b. Passive-aggressive behavior. Aggressive-aggressive behavior. I don't deal well with conflict, and this pretty much sets my brain up for a massive failure.

3. Consider you are looking for a mate. Rank these traits in order of imporance, with 1 being most important and 7 being least important.
_2_ Kindness
_1_ Honesty
_7_ Ambitious
_5_ Confidence
_4_ Reliable
_6_ Assertive
_3_ Sense of Humor

4. Score! You exchanged numbers with a hottie. Now, you: (pick one)
a. Wait for a week, see if that person calls you first.
b. Call the next day, if not sooner.
c. Call and text incessantly. Let them know they've made an impression.
d. You'd never call. What if you get rejected?

a. Wait. I am so not an initiator for conversations. It is such a difficult thing for me to overcome.

5. How did you handle your last relationship break up?
a. You've never been in a relationship before. The timing has never been right.
b. You went out and got drunk every night, until you forgot everything.
c. You went out on a massive amount of dates, even with people you knew you had no interest.
d. You felt bad and cried, but bounced back in a couple of days.

I think D, but I definitely did not bounce back in a few days. It took longer than that.

Bonus: Would you take a holiday all by yourself, at the "spur of the moment?" Why or why not? Where would you go?
At this point in my life, I would most likely not holiday by myself at a spur of the moment. I feel like any holiday I am going on I would very much rather enjoy it with Wife and my daughter.

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