Tuesday, September 1, 2020

TMI Tuesday: September 1, 2020

Hello Hello Hello! The following TMI Tuesday questions were pulled from past TMI Tuesday blog posts. They are fun.
1. Fill in the blank. If _____ were bigger, I would like it. 
If lingerie breast cups were bigger, I would like it. 

2. Fill in the blank. Oh, baby that feels good. Will you _____ my _____ ? 
Oh, baby that feels good. Will you brush my hair? Yeah, I'm odd. 

3. If you could have a week of the best sex ever in human history but you had to have a fish head as your head for the rest of your life, after that week, would you do it? (This question was previously submitted by a TMI Tuesday blogger) 
Yeah, I think I'll pass on that one. I don't think a week straight of amazing sex is worth not having sex for the rest of my life because I have a fish head. 

4. What part of your body do you consider the most unusual that you enjoy being stimulated?
Probably my armpits or the backs of my knees. Well, my head might be weirder than that. I really get off on having my head scratched lighly. Mmmm. 

5. What is the most desperate thing you have done for sex? 
Drove over 300 miles to get to my partner.

Bonus: If it were legal in your country/community to visit a “sex box” would you? 
So, I have done some googling and I still don't know what a "sex box" is. I would probably try it though.

1 comment:

  1. Great answers. I love having my hair brushed too, I have a couple of play mates who come and do just that for me. So if you're odd then I guess that makes two of us.
