Tuesday, October 31, 2017

TMI Tuesday: October 31, 2017

Let’s do this thing–TMI Tuesday.

1. What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
If I'm in a good head space, I usually think about sex. Things I'd like to do. People I'd like to do.
If I'm in a bad head space, I usually think about dark things. Usually bad things about myself. Or things from my past that have happened to me.

2. What advice do you have for your previous lover?
I'm not so sure I'd like to create that drama. I have a feeling that her partners may still read my blog and I'd rather not go there. I hate drama.

3. What inspires you?
People who have had a hard life and struggle with depression. They doubt their strength, but they are the strongest people I know.

4. If you were to get rid of one person in your life, who would it be and why?
I get rid of toxic friends with no problem. The person who is most toxic in my life that I can't get rid of is my sister. She treats me like crap all the time. Every time I hang out with her, she makes me feel worse than I did before. She looks down on me for my poly lifestyle. She says mean things to me and kicks me when I'm down. She expects me to do things for her all the time but will never do anything for me. And I let her walk all over me because she's family. I do love her, but sometimes I wish I didn't have to deal with her. In the last year, I've drastically cut down the time that I spend with her.

5. How do you cope when your level of sexual desire doesn’t match your partners?
You masturbate a lot? I flirt with a lot of people to have an outlet for all of the extra sexual energy. I use Twitter to get it out as well. I don't have much of a filter and I tend to say inappropriate things all the time, but using Twitter to vent that stuff has helped cut that down a lot. My sex drive is crazy high. There aren't many people who can match my level of sexual desire.

Bonus: Are you single, why? Are you married, why?
I'm married. I used to be very against marriage. I thought, "Why would I need a piece of paper to prove my love to someone?" Honestly, I just didn't ever see myself wanting to be with someone forever. Then, I fell in love with my husband. He changed my mind about marriage. When he asked me to marry him, I felt lucky that he wanted to be with me forever. He truly is my soul mate and I love him so very much.

1. What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
I think about everything when I'm alone in the car. I think about 'what ifs', imaginary conversations. A lot of the time my subconscious runs wild and it will stir up things I have going on in my life.

2. What advice do you have for your previous lover?
My last lover was my first boyfriend, and to be honest I cannot think of any kind of advice to offer.

3. What inspires you?
Wife and my daughter are my two biggest sources of inspiration. They inspire me to be a better husband, father, and person constantly. There is always room for improvement.

Books and stories are another source of inspiration for me. To be able to experience other worlds and people in them is an incredibly humbling thing to me.

What can I do, who can I be, where can I go are all things that my family and books inspire me to question.

4. If you were to get rid of one person in your life, who would it be and why?
I would likely get rid of the wastewater operator I have had to deal with for the last five years at work. He has tried to get me fired more times than I can count and we just do not mesh well or get along in general.

5. How do you cope when your level of sexual desire doesn’t match your partners?
My level of sexual desire has never matched Wife's. It can be intimidating for me. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming in the sense of feeling like I fail to deliver what she needs. In the past, it was extremely difficult to not internalize this difference and take it personally, but over this year I have been communicating better about my desires instead of keeping it in my head. This has helped us grow closer together.

Bonus: Are you single, why? Are you married, why?
I am married because I have been so lucky as to have found my soul mate, not just once, but twice in the same person. I chose her and she chose me because we both love each other. We have built a life together and commit to working for our amazing future.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, when given a choice between 'Drama' and 'No drama' always choose 'No drama'!!
