Tuesday, September 24, 2024

TMI Tuesday: September 24, 2024

Happy Titty Tuesday

It's time for TMI Tuesday!

1. Answer Yes or No:

I Regret My First Kiss: Yes, because it was a dare. I would have rather had my first kiss with someone who actually wanted to kiss me.

I Miss My First Love: Yes, even though he doesn't deserve me because he's an abusive asshole.

I Married My First Love: No, he was the second person I have loved.

I Loved Someone That Didn’t Love Me: I loved someone who technically loved me but he is gay so, I guess not in the same way.

2. Do you consider yourself monogamous or polyamorous or some other category which you will explain or define for us now?

I am polyamorous.

3. Your partner is in the mood for sex and you are tired – what do you do?

a. Start snoring. There is no way I’m giving it up tonight.

b. Trade. You give me a massage… and we will see…

c. That would never happen!

C. I would probably say, "I'm really tired so you have to do most of the work."

4. Does your partner mind if you masturbate, in bed, when they are there?

I have never asked my partners this but the only partner I have done this next to is Husband. He has never expressed that he doesn't like it though.

5. Describe your typical sexual romp:

a. You are playful and tame

b. You have occasionally introduced a few things like outfits and toys

c. You love trying new things and shocking your partner

Something between B and C.

Bonus: What was your best ever masturbation experience. Why was it the best? Describe.

When Husband and I had phone sex while he was out of town for work. You can read about that here.

Boobday Button

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