Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sinful Sunday: Wishing For Two Cocks

I've been texting with Jacob a lot lately. It's been quite a while since we were able to play together. Unfortunately, due to the current situation, that won't be happening anytime soon either. So, we just send each other pictures and get lost in fantasy land for a bit. I love that he masturbates to my photos all the time. It makes me feel so sexy.

One day, I'll have two cocks to suck again. This photo shows how much I truly love it. It's written all over my face. Mmmm.

Don't forget to check out who else is sinning. Kiss the lips below.

Sinful Sunday


  1. I know where you are coming from and you look incredibly hot in this pic, obviously you are really enjoying yourself. Thanks for sharing x

  2. Makes me miss the days this was possible...

  3. This image is delightful, would love to get in line.

  4. Oh yes two is always better than one !!!
    And you do look like you are enjoying your situation!!!
    Xxx - K

  5. This is crazy hot to me. One of my things for 2020 had been to do this again. I don't know if it will happen but when I get the chance I am definitely going to make it happen

