Tuesday, April 17, 2018

TMI Tuesday: April 17, 2018

TMI Tuesday this week is all about YOUR sexual guide.

Lovers Guide

1. Write your 3 sexual commandments and share them here at TMI Tuesday.
Thou shalt practice safer sex.
Thou shalt be generous and giving.
Thou shalt not fake orgasms.

2. Tell us your 3 D’s of relationship destruction.
Distance (emotional)

3. WikiHow lists several steps to seduce someone. What are your top 3 moves of seduction?
I don't think I'm very good at seducing people, but these are my usual moves:
1. Make eye contact.
2. Appear to be cute and innocent.
3. Talk about sexy things.

4. What is your sexual healing?
Intimacy is the biggest thing for me. Usually the intimacy comes before and after the sex though. Sex itself is very healing for me as well if it's really rough. It's kind of like fucking all the bad thoughts out of me. I think impact play is much more healing for me though.

5. Would you attend a class that taught you how to have an orgasm?
I'm having a hard time figuring out how that can be taught as a class. I know some women have a really hard time reaching orgasm but I'm not sure how taking a class could help them. I would think the best way to learn how to have an orgasm would be to explore your own body. Find out what feels good and what doesn't feel good. Figure out how you like to be touched and practice doing it. If you are still having trouble, it may be a good idea to visit a sex therapist.

Bonus: In which areas of your life are you overly confident?
Hmmm. I'm pretty confident in my blow job skills. That's about it. I'm sure I'm failing at everything else in life.

1. Write your 3 sexual commandments and share them here at TMI Tuesday.
I. Have sex. II. Have sex often. III. Have fun having sex.

2. Tell us your 3 D’s of relationship destruction.
Distance (emotional and physical rather than spatial), Deceit (this one in my opinion speaks for itself), Differences (sometimes there are too many differences of too grand of a scale for things to continue to work).

3. WikiHow lists several steps to seduce someone. What are your top 3 moves of seduction?
I think being myself works. I know it doesn't work on everybody, which is probably a good thing, because I am more than a little weird. My smile I feel like is my best quality. I know that it makes me squint and tends to lean away from photogenic, but it is genuine. Goofiness would likely be another. I know that it may not always come across that way outwardly, but inwardly I sometimes just have to force myself to be more confident than I am, I think it helps.

4. What is your sexual healing?
Honestly I think just sex in general is a healing thing for me. My love language is touch, and having sex ties really closely into that. Sex can turn a bad day around into something positive.

5. Would you attend a class that taught you how to have an orgasm?
If it was something feasible for me to attend, then yes I would. I would love to see if there was something for me to learn and experience.

Bonus: In which areas of your life are you overly confident?
I think the one thing that I get overconfident about is some areas at work that I feel I have expertise in, I can sometimes come across as cocky when it involves wastewater related things, or big projects/work that I was involved in.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

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