Friday, December 31, 2021

KOTW: Gifting

The discussion topic for Kink of the Week is Gifts. Gift giving/receiving is one of the Five Love Languages.

“You feel loved when people give you 'visual symbols of love,'” ~ The Five Love Languages Explained

I wouldn't consider gifts as one of my love languages. I mean, don't get me wrong. I do feel loved when people give me a gift but I don't ever expect gifts from my partners. I'd much rather receive quality time and touch from them. 

I do enjoy getting a meaningful gift from someone though. It feels good when people think about me. I also love to give gifts to others, especially handmade ones. Not everyone appreciates handmade gifts but I love them because I think about how important the person is to me the whole time while I'm making the gifts. So, those gifts are full of love. I just like to make people feel happy and loved. 

So, maybe gifts are only a small part of my love language, but are they a part of my kink language? Maybe. After reading that quote again, I decided to replace a few words. 

You feel turned on when people give you visual symbols of sexiness.

When I think about it this way, I'm pretty sure receiving gifts is a kink language for me. Getting kinky/sexy gifts from FWBs and fans really makes me feel special. I love that someone was having sexy thoughts about me and they thought I was special enough to send me something to let me know they were thinking of me. That is just hot. 

They are also gifts that keep on giving. Every time I wear or use something that someone sent me, it makes me think of them and I get turned on. I love knowing that people think I'm sexy. I will never get tired of hearing that. Having reminders that people think I'm sexy is fantastic. I will never get tired of getting sexy gifts. 

One year, for Christmas, Husband made up a stocking for me from Krampus. It was full of sexy and kinky gifts. I really enjoyed that. Much more than anything else he got me that year. So, yes, I would definitely say gifts are a kink language for me.

I don't have a d/s relationship right now but if I did, I'm not sure if gifts would be part of it. I have had a fantasy about having a Daddy that would bring me little gifts just because I am his baby girl and he likes to make me smile. That would be hot as hell. I'd definitely be into that!

So, while gift giving and receiving are definitely fun, I much prefer when those gifts are a bit more on the inappropriate side. I'm sure that comes as no surprise to any of you.

*For anyone that would like to send me a sexy gift, my wishlist is on my blogger profile.*

Kiss the lips below and check out who else likes gifts.

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