Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sinful Sunday: Too Much to Handle

It had been a really long time since Husband spanked my ass. So long, that my ass is not used to it at all. When he finally decided to do it, I could only take about ten minutes before I wanted a break. I did enjoy it a lot but I’ll definitely need to ease back into it. I definitely can’t take the beatings that I used to get. I really hope that we can get to that point again. For now, I am really enjoying admiring the pink blush on my cheeks. I missed that.

Check out who else is sinning by kissing the lips below.

Sinful Sunday


  1. I am very jealous of your pink flush!

  2. Ooo this is a lovely rear and a good pose to show it off :)

  3. It has been a very long time for me too but damn I crave it so much


  4. We have ebbs and flows like that, and I notice the same thing -- that I can't take as much or for as long.
