Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sinful Sunday: Unedited

It's the first Sunday of the month, which is prompt weekend for Sinful Sunday. The prompt for May is "unedited" which means that the image cannot be altered in any way (no filter, cropping, etc.). The point of this is to see if it changes the way you take a picture.

Honestly, most of the pictures I share are unedited so this wasn't a big change for me. Most of the time, the only editing I do is cropping. I'm not very skilled with picture editing, so I don't do much of it. My photos are definitely not as nice as most people who participate in Sinful Sunday. Maybe one day I will figure out how to be better at it.

Anyway, here is my unedited photo. I would have liked to crop it a little bit but I think it looks okay the way it is.

Sinful Sunday

Lingerie is for Everyone


  1. You colour coded this so well. I love your position, and your braids lying on either side of you really stood out to me

  2. I love the way you have your braids and the outfit is sexy AF. I don't do much editing of mine other than cropping. I'm not skilled in photo editing. I too would like to learn. I might start playing around with some of my pictures.

  3. Fab shot. I'm down for the braids too.

  4. What a lovely shot of a lovely subject, the outfit looks fantastic and I love the way that your hair is laid out, thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh I disagree, I think your images are brilliant. They often give me hugely horny feelings for a start but also they have a honesty and playfulness about them that I enjoy


  6. I'm with Molly - your pics are always fab. And I concur about the braids - can't quite articulate why they are so entrancing but i love that you laid them out to the sides that way.
