Tuesday, April 9, 2019

TMI Tuesday: April 9, 2019

Time for your regularly scheduled TMI Tuesday. Enjoy

1. Did you leave your last love for someone else or no one else?
My last love left me. Most people do.

2. Do you enjoy being alone? Yes or No
No. I hate being alone. I have C-PTSD and being alone causes me to get lost in the darkness in my head. This is why I fill up all of my free time with volunteer work.

3. Which of these reasons is most likely to spark your motivation for solitude:
a. It sparks my creativity
b. I enjoy the quiet
c. Being alone helps me get in touch with my spirituality
d. I value the privacy
e. I do not feel liked when I am around others
f. I cannot be my true self when I am around others

If I do want to be alone, it's usually because of E. I'm often convinced that people don't like me.

4. Have you ever tried to win back an ex-significant other?
– Yes or No
– Were you successful?
– If yes, did you regret it?
– How long did the reconciliation last?

Yes, I've tried this a few times. It worked once and I got Husband back. I don't regret it at all. The other times didn't work but. I'm glad about one of those. I'm still sad about the other.

5. Do you mind if your significant other gives or receives harmless flirtation?
I actually like when people flirt with him because it helps him feel more confident and sexy. Most of the time, he doesn't get the hint that people are flirting though. You have to be very obvious about it.

Bonus: If you really knew me, you’d know _____.
That I'm good at coming off as confident but truthfully, I have awful self esteem.

1. Did you leave your last love for someone else or no one else?
Me leaving my ex wasn't for anyone other than myself and my mental well being, by that time she was no longer someone I considered a love.

2. Do you enjoy being alone? Yes or No
This question has many variables to it, but for the most part, no, I do not enjoy being alone. I very much enjoy the company of my immediate family.

3. Which of these reasons is most likely to spark your motivation for solitude:
a. It sparks my creativity
b. I enjoy the quiet
c. Being alone helps me get in touch with my spirituality
d. I value the privacy
e. I do not feel liked when I am around others
f. I cannot be my true self when I am around others

c. Being alone helps me get in touch with my spirituality. I say get in touch with my spirituality, but I mean in touch with myself. I can sort out thoughts and feelings that I am having trouble processing or I can center myself and clear my head.

4. Have you ever tried to win back an ex-significant other?
– Yes or No
– Were you successful?
– If yes, did you regret it?
– How long did the reconciliation last?

Yes I did. Yes I was (it was mutual). There are no regrets at all. I love that I am with Wife as she was an ex-significant other at one point in our lives.

5. Do you mind if your significant other gives or receives harmless flirtation?
It used to really bother me when we were together the first time, as well as when we first got back together. Now it doesn't bother me unless I am excluded from the flirting.

Bonus: If you really knew me, you’d know _____.
If you really knew me, you’d know that I mean well despite being a chaotic mess.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

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