Sunday, April 7, 2019

Sinful Sunday: G is for Gag Reflex

Sinful Sunday is here again! It's the first Sunday of the month and that means it is prompt time! April's prompt is the letter G. The first thing that came to mind was "gag." When a friend of mine suggested the same thing, I decided to go with it.

I have mostly gotten my gag reflex sorted out, though I found that I am a little bit out of practice. I'm sure I will have lots of volunteers to help me with that.

On the left, you see me catching my breath for a second with tears streaming down my face. On the right, I am gagging on Jacob's cock as he fucks my face.
I think the hottest thing about these pictures is that Husband is the one who took them. He was almost bulging right out of his jeans as he watched.

Give the lips a kiss and see who else is sinning.
Sinful Sunday


  1. Very . . . very . . . sexy photos. And tingles from your description!!!
    Lovely fun.
    Xxx - K

  2. How sexy - there is a real energy and intensity in these 2 shots.

  3. I love your hair and your sexy braids and you are right, the fact hubby is taking the picture is super hot


  4. You always post the best blowjob pictures! And gotta echo Molly's sentiment that the fact that your husband took this picture is really hot.

  5. Extremely sexy images and the fact your husband took them, wow!
