Tuesday, April 6, 2021

TMI Tuesday: Favorite Things

Hurry hurry step right up, tell us a few of your favorite things at TMI Tuesday blog.

1. What is your favorite dessert? Why?

I love ice cream. It's creamy and delicious. I can put different toppings on it as well, which is awesome.

2. What is your favorite nickname to be called?

The only nickname that people call me is Ash, which is really just a shortened version of my actual name. 

3. What is your favorite nickname for your favorite person?

I call Husband Babe all the time. I guess I'm kind of boring.

4. Who makes you laugh the most?

Husband for sure.

5. What is something common from your childhood that will seem strange to millennials?

MTV playing actual music videos.

Bonus: What is your idea of heaven?

A beach and lots of sex.

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