Sunday, January 9, 2022

Sinful Sunday: Happy New Year

Well, here we are, a week into a new year. 2021 was pretty horrible for me. I spent the first half of it feeling incredibly lonely and suicidal. I spent the second half in therapy trying to get control of my mental health. Thankfully, I've found some meds that really help my anxiety but my OCD is still a huge struggle. My sex life wasn't much better either.

A year ago, I wrote about how I had stopped judging myself and finally felt comfortable with the fact that I want to have sex with lots of people. Then, the pandemic happened and it put everything on hold. I ended that post by saying, "Here's to hoping that 2021 has something wonderful in store for my sex life." Well, turns out, it didn't.

The pandemic is still ongoing and I didn't have sex with anyone new all year. I saw the Doctor twice in 2021. Both times, he just wanted blow jobs from me. No fucking happened either time. I also got my girlfriend back for a couple months but no sex was had with her either. I had reached out to Jacob a few times but I got rejected there as well. Husband and I have sex about 2-3 times a month at this point. It's definitely not enough to keep me satisfied. So, I'm just feeling pretty defeated at this point. 

I am trying to think positively about 2022. After two years of shite, this has to be a better year, right? Well, I guess we will see.

Anyway, happy New Year to you. I hope you have an amazing 2022.

Kiss the lips below and check out who else is sinning on this sexy Sunday.
Sinful Sunday


  1. Urgh I can so relate to this. I was full of hope for 2021 being a shagfest year but it turned out to be the exact opposite and so it is really hard to feel hopefully about 2022 now


  2. Hope, hope and wish, that frequency ... and intensity ... will improve for 2022. And with such a lovely bottom to entice, I'm sure it will !!!
    Xxx - K
