Sunday, January 17, 2021

Sinful Sunday: Sneak a Peek

I just bought myself a pair of thigh highs that I have been wanting for a while. I tried them on and got comfy on the bed. Then, Husband took this photo.

I love how much this photo teases the viewer. You can almost see the sweetness that is between my thighs. 

See who else is sinning by kissing the lips below

Sinful Sunday


  1. Oh they look nice. Where did you get them? As you are in the USA you should check out Sock Dreams as they do one that I find fit really well too.


    1. These are from Thunda Thighs. I’ve gotten shorter ones from Sock Dreams before but they were kind of small for my legs. It has been a while though, so I’ll check them out again.

  2. I like your photo today! Sexily shot.

  3. Hi..u are so beautifully and pretty and sexy and hot..
