Tuesday, August 11, 2020

TMI Tuesday: August 11, 2020

It's time for TMI Tuesday!


1. How do you know if you are connecting with another person?
When I am connecting with a person, I feel like I can be myself. I open up and feel safe sharing things with that person. 

2. To be beautiful means. . .
that when a person is with you or sees a picture of you, they get pleasurable feelings that make them feel good. This means that not only are you pleasing to the eye but you also have an attractive personality.

3. Do you spend a lot of time keeping up with what is going on?
I used to. Now, I have to limit that a lot or my mental health is greatly affected. I read a little bit every day and then cut myself off from it. Things are just too chaotic and scary right now.

4. True or False. You feel that your friends have more rewarding experiences in their lives than you.
True. I feel like I lead such a boring life. I want to be more exciting but it just doesn't seem to work out for me. I really wish I had more friends that I could hang out with. That would help a lot. Also, more sexual partners would be great.

5. During the Covid-19 pandemic, do you feel more swamped by your responsibilities than before the pandemic?
I don't have a lot of responsibilities anymore since most things are shut down and cancelled. I used to be super busy all the time. Now, I just sit around the house with nothing to do. I hate it.

Bonus: What’s on your mind?
I had a dream last night about eating tacos for dinner and now I really want some. Trying to convince the husband to go get me some.

1. How do you know if you are connecting with another person?
Most of the time it is a feeling that grows with time, but sometimes it is instantaneous. In both cases, it feels like a pull to be closer, to want to be near someone.

2. To be beautiful means. . .
To be mostly good and decent as a human being; to have physical, emotional, spiritual appeal. For me it is more than physical, beauty starts inward and grows outward.

3. Do you spend a lot of time keeping up with what is going on?
I spend more time keeping up with nerdy information than what is going on with the world. There is entirely too much negativity being put out there, especially in my country, that it can be overwhelming to deal with.

4. True or False. You feel that your friends have more rewarding experiences in their lives than you.
True. I definitely feel like my friends have more rewarding experiences. Much of this I feel is due to the fact that I am an introvert and the rest to the fact that most of my decision making is based on safe choices.

5. During the Covid-19 pandemic, do you feel more swamped by your responsibilities than before the pandemic?
Some days I do. Most of the time when I am at work it feels like everything has ramped up and there are so many more things that need to be accomplished. For home, it has more or less stayed the same. I do more store and grocery runs that before.

Bonus: What’s on your mind?
Worry about work is pretty forefront right now. Work has a creeping way of bothering me when I have been away for a length of time.

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