Sunday, August 22, 2021

Taste You On My Lips

Things have been very difficult. My anxiety got so bad over the last 2 months that I couldn’t function normally. I was not myself. Not even a little bit. I went a whole month without sex and I didn’t even want it. I was a mess. 

I started a new anxiety medication and it has been helping. It’s slow-going but even a little bit of change has been a very big deal. I’m finally starting to feel a little bit like myself. I’ve even been feeling horny again. 

In fact, when I took this photo in the shower, I was imagining licking your cum off my lips.

Kiss the lips below to see who else is sinning.

Sinful Sunday


  1. Hugs lovely. I am sorry to hear you have been having a crappy time but yeah for feeling better and even more yay for feeling horny


  2. Anxiety is the worst. I'm glad you're starting to feel a bit more yourself.

  3. Sorry to hear you've been struggling. Things are hard! Glad to hear you've found at least some relief.

  4. I know you are a strong person. I'm so glad you are working through this time.
    And it's a very sensuous photo. Thank you.
