Tuesday, January 23, 2018

TMI Tuesday: January 23, 2018

Let’s talk faves, the most, and perfection at TMI Tuesday blog.

1. Favorite childhood memory?
I had an awful childhood filled with horrible abuse, so there aren't a lot of good memories to look back on. There is one thing that I have very fond memories about though. I loved riding in my step-dad's 1969 Camaro. He was a mechanic, so he had it all souped up. I would sit in the back seat with my sisters and he would drive really fast. It was so loud that it felt as if my chest may explode. I couldn't stop smiling while riding in that car. I'm sure this is why I have a deep love for muscle cars and driving fast.

2. Favorite moment in the last 3 months?
I saw Evanescence live with an orchestra and it was fucking amazing. When they played Lithium, it made me cry. It was a very beautiful and powerful concert.

3. Favorite drink on a hot summer day?
I love drinking iced tea on hot summer days. Sweet tea or unsweetened tea. Both are very yummy.

4. Perfect day out: what, where, with whom?
Swimming in the ocean, at a beach in California, with my family.

5. Your most unexpected achievement?
I guess I could say getting my husband to agree to opening our marriage. It's something I've wanted for a long time but he was just not on board with it. Then, one night, he just decided that it was a good idea. I was not expecting that.

Bonus: The kindest thing you ever did for a stranger?
I've done a lot of kind things for strangers. I always help when I see an opportunity. The thing that sticks with me the most is something that happened back when I was in college. I used to volunteer at a soup kitchen a few times every month. One night, one of the regulars came in and just seemed off. After I finished my responsibilities, I went over to the table where he was sitting and just talked to him. I didn't talk to him like he was a homeless man. I just talked to him like a person. We had been talking for a while when he reached out and took my hand and thanked me for treating him with such kindness. I could tell I really helped make him feel better that day and I never forgot the smile he had on his face every time he saw me there. All I did was talk to him and that meant the world to him. Never underestimate your ability to change someone's life.

1. Favorite childhood memory?
When my family, immediate and cousins, as well as the neighborhood kids would get together and play our own slightly complicated version of dodgeball in my backyard. We spent many summer days over quite a few years playing this game most of the afternoon into the evening hours.

2. Favorite moment in the last 3 months?
Recently with work being as demanding as it has been something as simple as having a full weekend is a joyous occasion for me. So when I had three days off for Christmas and was able to visit with family I don't see very often it was an outstanding moment.

3. Favorite drink on a hot summer day?
Iced tea with honey and lemon.

4. Perfect day out: what, where, with whom?
It's night and there is a bonfire with my loved ones and close friends all around it. We are enjoying the company and the fire and the closeness something so simply primal brings to us all.

5. Your most unexpected achievement?
I think my most unexpected achievement was discovering a passion and a drive for a career into wastewater treatment. At the time I actually had a mentor for it, and then went on to get an operator's license from the state (which has since expired).

Bonus: The kindest thing you ever did for a stranger?
I used to do a lot of community service in high school, but I don't recall much about it. I've given food to people who didn't have any, helped pay for people's gas when they were stranded, I've listened to people in nursing homes talk when all they needed was someone to talk to. I don't think I could say that any of these things are beyond every day kindness though. So maybe I'm just not a jerk to people and that in itself is the best kindness I offer often.


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

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